Delivering authentic/ valid information the right way. Redefining common sense.

Our mission is to transform centralized systems and services to give the users more authority and control. With the help of innovative leading technologies like DLT, we are aiming to introduce products and services that are decentralized and transparent.
With regard to this approach, we are planning a wide variety of expansions. Also, we consider it our responsibility to make these complex technologies easier to understand in order to make them more accessible to everyone.
For this process, we are building partnerships, both domestically and internationally to make sure that we can spread our vision.
With the AIre project, we are working towards a better future.


Ubiquitous like air to create an ecosystem.

With our services we want to create an ecosystem which is more user-friendly and relevant for each individual’s life and lifestyle by using leading technologies such as DLT.


Establishing a strong relationship with municipalities.

Not only are we focussing on the development, but also on supporting the utilization of DLT outside of our company. With this, we are hoping to expand the ecosystem we are creating as much as possible.